
Thursday, February 16, 2012

How I stay organized

Couponing is a lot of work, especially if you are not organized.  I started off with a small accordion organizer but I quickly outgrew it.  Some people use the clip less coupon method but I have found that clipping coupons and organizing them by category saves me time in the store.  I purchased a 2" 3-ring binder, 2 packages of baseball card holders from Target, a package of 10 page protectors and a package of 24 colored tabs to separate my categories.  

In the front of my binder I have my Index of categories and I also have my stock up price list that I got from one of the most fabulous couponing blogs.  I use this as a reference only, every store and area are different but it will give you a good idea on what is a good deal and when to stay away and wait for a sale!  Thank you The Krazy Coupon Lady!!!  Click here to get your own:

I know it sounds crazy but I have heard many stories of coupon books being stolen.  I printed off a cover page for my binder that has my name and phone number in case it is found.  I would say that my coupon binder has several hundred dollars worth of coupons in it.  I would probably cry if my book were to get lost or stolen!!!  So I would make it a point to add your name and number somewhere on it just in case!!!

Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you but to get you started here are the categories I use:

1. Beverages
2. Dairy
3. Produce
4. Meat
5. Frozen
6. Dressings, Sauces, Seasonings
7. Cereal, Fruit Snacks, Granola Bars
8. Crackers, Chips, Nuts, Candy
9. Baking & Mixes
10. Canned/Boxed Items & Pasta
11. Baby Items
12. Home Items (cleaning supplies, paper products, laundry)
13. Razors & Shaving Gel
14. Hair Care
15. Deodorant
16. Lotion & Body Wash
17. Make-Up
18. Toothpaste, Toothbrushes & Mouth Wash
19. Feminine Hygiene
20. Pain Relievers & Medicine
21. Pets
22. Toys & Games
23. Store Coupons

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